Thursday, 27 February 2014

Last days, because I'm off - back in May

Last day at Cognito for over 2 months, hope that the devices are nice and keep on running smoothly. Good luck to Core Mobile, sorry for leaving you with all the problems.

Also panicking, because I have cancelled my gym membership, first time I have no gym membership in 8 years I think, last day was leg day (I ain't no softy), but in the words of T-800.

Travel nerves are kicking in, locking up the house tonight, hope I haven't forgotten anything. final flight checks tomorrow morning and then the journey begins, starting with a 2.5 hour flight to Rome and then a mega 12.5 hour long haul flight to Rio. Only thing for sure in Rio is Carnival, I will post some pictures :) Once I have done my 5 days in Rio I have nothing booked at all, but I know I want to head North.

Right now thou time for Friday burgers on a Thursday (some special event) at the starting gate.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Flight Booked

Hello and welcome to the diary of my journey into South America. General plan is to head to Rio, then north to Bahia and the land of Capoeira. Once done there I will head into the Amazon and Trek in the jungle. Then up to Venezula and the inspiration for the lost world, flying down to Peru for the Inca trails. My flight to Rio booked and will be staying in Bananaz hostel in Rio, which is nice and central for seeing the sights. This is my first post and so it’s going to be a journey of learning how to make a good blog as well. Since I’m not a Pulitzer prize winner this might be a bit of a slog for most people. I promise not to spam everyone with these but it might be an easier way to keep everyone up to date with where I am and what I’m doing 6500 miles away.